The guy is talking sales talk, his object is to enthuse the rank and file and he is bringing it on in the same old way just like Knorr just like Rutherford. just like Franz just like Russel they inhabit the fantasy world of the mind, it's a kind of an imagination, it's a senario in a fantasy caused by faulty wiring in the brain. In reality he is saying believe what we tell you or the bogey man will get you, the phantom creature used to scare little children.
Well we are not little children and we do not like confidence tricksters we have had over a hundred years of false Watchtower garbage and their wicked prophets, now we can see clearly what the Watchtower Org. is all about. Decade after decade of ignoring reality by sitting on the fence doing nothing tangible but accepting the status quo of World problems.
If there is a God and if there is a heaven and if there is an account, when the The Almighty asks the Watchtower leaders, " How did you help suffering humanity? " their reply will be "well we sold plenty of books and magazines and that was about all we did , oh! nearly forgot God ,we owned a massive collection of real estate. We didn't need soup kitchens either because at Bethel all our needs were taken care of and God is your name really not Jehovah , well we never knew that, we learn something everyday,"